Thyagaraja was born on the 4th may, 1767, at Tiruvarur in the thanjavur district of tamil nadu. He belonged to a family of pious and scholarly telugu Brahmins whose family name ‘kakarla’ indicate that they were originally migrants from the village of the same name in the cumbum taluk of Andhra Pradesh. His father, rama brahmam, was a distinguished exponent of the Ramayana and was patronized by tulajaji, the ruler of thanjavur. Thyagaraja in his formative year, must have listened to his father’s scholary exposition of valmiki’s epic. Devotion to rama became ingrained in his from his youth.
Born with scholarship and music in his blood, thyagaraja completed a study of Sanskrit, telugu and allied subjects while in his teens. He must have mastered the valmiki ramayanam, potana bhagavatam and other religious literature with the help of his father. But the musical instinct in him was so strong that before the age of 13 he not merely gained an adequate mastery over vocal music but also composed his maiden song ‘namo namo raghvaya’ (Sanskrit) in desya todia. Rama brahmam, who immediately recognized his son’s extraordinary gifts, placed him under the tutelage of sonti venkataramanayya. Venkatasubbayya was the chief among the then place vidwans of thanjavur. Thyagaraja’s apprenticeship appears to have been a short one during which he learnt all that his furns had to teach.